wow...the movie entitled The Exorcism Of Emily Rose=) im wondering if its real?oh gosh~i felt my throats are tightening=S GOSH~its...huh~undescribable=) its been a movie i've been hoping to watch since f3(rmba miss pazidah promise to let us watch) but it dint happened...n finaly i got to watch=) it states there are 6demons possed in her..they are the ones in cain,judas, balial(dont know spell correctly), legion..n most of all Lucifer which is da King of Demons...
now..wad comes to my mind is dat is this movie REAL??is da recording of the demons voices real?did she really speak in tongues? hmmmmmmmmm...~WONDERS~
anyhow...ntg is gonna stop God from doing his works through his disciples=) n mostly his chosen one on the end of the show...chapter2 of Phillipians "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling" ~its never easy to be in christianity...u will receive all sorts of criticism...hatred...persecution....n etc. NOW, IT DOESNT MEAN DAT U WONT HAVE A SMOOTH N SWEET LIFE THOUGH...OF CUZ U DO=) but as life goes never gets easy..u get wat i mean?! the 2nd coming of CHrist...i urge u ppl to STAND FIRM ON UR FAITH BCUZ there is many things that will be used on u to lure u away from ur faith n backslide them=) so...its still not too late to continue strenghten ur faith n trust in him=) all works will be done through him;)